Principal Investigator (PI) training modules offered by the CRF Education Team
NHS Lothian PI Roles and Responsibilities:
In collaboration with ACCORD, the CRF has developed a series of training videos outlining the roles and responsibilities of Principal Investigators (PI) in clinical research. The training has been adapted from original slides developed by the NRS Training Forum.
The videos are aimed at new Principal Investigators (PIs) working in clinical research in Lothian but may also benefit current PIs wishing to refresh their knowledge and/or members of clinical research teams wishing to better understand the role of the PI.
Associate Principal Investigator Scheme (NHS Lothian):
The Associate PI Scheme is a six-month in-work training opportunity that provides practical experience for healthcare professionals starting their research careers.
Individuals who would not normally have the opportunity to participate in clinical research in their day-to-day role will have the chance to experience what it means to work on and deliver an NIHR portfolio trial under the mentorship of an enthusiastic local Principal Investigator (PI).
Associate Principal Investigators receive formal recognition of their commitment to NIHR portfolio research studies through the certification of Associate PI status, endorsed by the NIHR and the Royal Colleges.
Principal Investigator Pipeline Programme (PIPP)
The CRF will soon be supporting the NIHR PIPP programme in Scotland. It offers research delivery nurses and midwives the opportunity to develop as Principal Investigators on NIHR portfolio studies.
Visit the CRF website for further details of their resources.